JDK version 21 introduced a new rule to the Java linter. According to this rule it is not permitted to call an overridable method within the constructor of a class 1. If this rule is disregarded and the Java code compiled using the -Xlint:all or -Xlint:this-escape flag, this leads to the following this-escape warning:

warning: [this-escape] possible `this` escape before subclass is fully initialized

You can jump to the three approaches here:


The addition of the new rule to the Java linter in JDK 21 is a good improvement as it helps prevent code smell. It has long been recommended to avoid calling overridable methods from the constructor 2 3. However, as an analysis 4 of some well-known open source projects shows, there are still places in the code where the recommendation is forgotten or ignored. Even in our own projects the upgraded Java linter was also able to find a few places that did not follow the recommendation.

In this article, we will briefly look at why no overridable methods should be called in the constructor. The following three sections show approaches that were used to resolve the warning in our projects.

In the following, it is assumed that the code shown is always compiled with the flag -Xlint:all, even if this was not explicitly specified. The complete code is available in this GitHub repository.

Origin Story

The rationale for the this-escape warning is explained below. Using an example, let’s take a look at the class Person. The class has an instance variable name and a public non-final method greet(). The greet() method is called in the constructor of the class. The code compiles fine with JDK 17, but when compiling with JDK 21, the Java linter issues a this-escape warning.

public class Person {

    private final String name;

    public Person(String name) {
        this.name = Objects.requireNonNullElse(name, "stranger");
        greet(); // Calls overrideable method, causes this-escape warning

    public void greet() {
        System.out.println("Hello " + name + "!");

The Person class itself is unproblematic, but as soon as the class is extended, it can lead to errors that are difficult to find. The Java linter warns of this with the this-escape warning. To be able to provoke an error, we also create the class Musician as an extension of the class Person. The class Musician adds another instance variable, instrument, and overrides the method greet().

public class Musician extends Person {

    private final String instrument;

    public Musician(String name, String instrument) {
        this.instrument = Objects.requireNonNullElse(instrument, "triangle");

    public void greet() {
        System.out.println("I heard you play " + instrument + ". Awesome!");

What is now being output when a new Musician object is created with the new Musician("Jimi", "guitar") statement? When an instance of Musician is created, the constructor of Person is called in the constructor of Musician. In the constructor of Person, the instance variable name is initialized and then the method greet() is called. The variable instrument is then initialized within the constructor of the class Musician. The statement results in the following output:

Hello Jimi!
I heard you play null. Awesome!

The overridden method greet() is called from Person even before Musician has been fully instantiated. This results in the value null being output for instrument, although instrument can never have the value null after instantiation of the object Musician. The reason for the incorrect output is quickly apparent in the example. Nevertheless, it shows that a class should not call any overridable methods of its own class in the constructor, as the class cannot ensure that it is in a consistent state when the method is called. It follows that the greet() method should not be both overridable and called by the constructor at the same time.

It should be noted that the error in this example seems obvious as we have looked at a simple example to explain the situation. In practice, the error in an extensive class within a complex class hierarchy with further inheritance and nesting in connection with concurrency can be considerably more difficult to locate.

Three approaches

The following three sections present ways of preventing or circumventing the calling of an overridable method from the constructor.

Using the keywords final, private or static

The most direct way to prevent the this-escape warning is to prohibit the overwriting of all methods called by the constructor. This can be achieved in Java with the keywords final, private, and static. If a class is declared as final, it is no longer possible to extend it. Accordingly, none of its methods can be overwritten. The declaration of a method as final, private or static ensures that it is the method alone which cannot be overwritten.

We can use these keywords to fix the incorrect output of the Person and Musician classes from the last section in various ways. In the following, we first declare the greet() method of Person as final to satisfy the Java linter.

public class Person {

    private final String name;

    public Person(String name) {
        this.name = Objects.requireNonNullElse(name, "stranger");

    public final void greet() { // Method is now final
        System.out.println("Hello " + name + "!");

This makes it so that the Musician class can no longer overwrite the greet() method. Instead, a separate method printInstrument() is defined in the Musician class, which is now responsible for the output of the instrument. For this approach to work, we must define that the class Musician should not be extended by any other class, so we add the keyword final to the declaration of the class – otherwise, the Java linter would give us a this-escape warning here too.

public final class Musician extends Person { // Class is now final

    private final String instrument;

    public Musician(String name, String instrument) {
        this.instrument = Objects.requireNonNullElse(instrument, "triangle");

    public void printInstrument() {
        System.out.println("I heard you play " + instrument + ". Awesome!");

After the changes, the statement new Musician("Jimi", "guitar") leads to the following output:

Hello Jimi!
I heard you play guitar! Awesome!

However, it is not always possible to declare a class as final or method as final, private, or static. If the class is managed by a dependency injection framework, such as Spring or Quarkus, the call of overridable methods from the constructor can usually be bypassed in another way. We will look at these in the next section.

Usage of the annotation @PostConstruct

Although we will be using Spring in the following examples, the approach can also be used for other dependency injection frameworks that implement the Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection specification or the Jakarta Annotations specification. Part of the Jakarta Annotations specification is the annotation @PostContruct, which is essential for the approach presented here. Using the annotation, we can link into the life cycle of a bean managed by Spring. In the case of @PostConstruct this happens, as the name suggests, after the constructor has been executed and the bean has been fully initialized. This makes it possible to move the call of an overridable method from the constructor to a safe place. Spring offers other ways to insert custom code into the lifecycle of a bean, but the use of @PostConstruct is the recommended 5, so only this will be discussed here.

In order to illustrate the use of @PostConstruct, let us extend our earlier example. In the previous example, the instrument triangle was assigned to each musician if no instrument was specified. We want to optimize this a little by making it possible to connect an external resource. This should provide a mapping between known musicians, represented by their name, and their instrument. The mapping should be saved in a cache for faster access. The use of the cache is shown schematically in the following listing:

String name = getName(); // Get name of a musician from somewhere
String instrument = getInstrument(); // Get instrument from somewhere
if (instrument == null) {
         musicianInstrumentCache contains a mapping of the form:
         Jimi -> guitar
         Miles -> trumpet
         Ludwig -> piano
    instrument = musicianInstrumentCache.getInstrumentFor(name);
Musician musician = new Musician(name, instrument);

We create two classes for the implementation. The abstract class MusicianInstrumentCache contains a simple cache, which was realized as a Map with the mapping musician name ⟼ instrument, and calls the method updateCache() in the constructor. The updateCache() method is to be used by the specializations of MusicianInstrumentCache (see below) to read in an external resource and update the cache. The following applies to the updateCache() method:

  • Calling the method should enable other classes to update the cache at runtime . The method should therefore be public.

  • For different types of resources, such as external files, databases, etc., it should be possible to create different specializations of MusicianInstrumentCache, which override the updateCache() method in line with the resource used. Therefore, the method should be abstract and cannot be declared as private, final, or static.

The implementation of the abstract class MusicianInstrumentCache is given below. The linter issues a this-escape warning when the class is compiled, as the abstract method updateCache() is called in the constructor.

public abstract class MusicianInstrumentCache {

    protected static final Map<String, String> cache =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public MusicianInstrumentCache() {
        updateCache(); // Calls overrideable method, causes this-escape warning

    public abstract void updateCache(); // Should be public and abstract

    public String getInstrumentFor(String name) {
        return cache.get(name);

Before we address the problem, let’s look at a specialization of the class MusicianInstrumentCache. The class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache shows a possible specialization of MusicianInstrumentCache. The class should read the mapping from a file via the Spring-injected ResourceLoader, then proceed to write it to the cache. To keep the example short, the reading of the file and the writing to the cache is only implied in the code.

public class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache extends MusicianInstrumentCache {

    private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
    private String mappingResource = "classpath:mapping.csv";

    public FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
        this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

    public void updateCache() {
        // Logic for importing mapping and adding it to the cache. Briefly,
        // represented by the following lines without exception handling:
        Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource(mappingResource);
        String content = resource.getContentAsString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                .map(line -> line.split(","))
                .forEach(mapping -> cache.put(mapping[0], mapping[1]));

    // getter and setter

It should be noted that if the updateCache() method of the FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache class is called in the constructor of the MusicianInstrumentCache class, then the resourceLoader has not yet been set. This is because, as described in the section Origin Story, the constructor of the extending class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache calls the constructor of the class MusicianInstrumentCache as the first statement, even if the call via super() was not explicitly specified in the Java code. This can also be seen in the output, where FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache.updateCache() is written to the console before FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache.init():


Fortunately, the error and the this-escape warning can be fixed with the annotation @PostConstruct without major adjustments, so that the overridable method updateCache() is no longer called before the object has been completely initialized. It is sufficient to annotate the updateCache() method in the MusicianInstrumentCache class with @PostConstruct. The call of the method updateCache() can be removed from the constructor, as Spring is now responsible for the call. The class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache can remain unchanged, as Spring checks whether a method with @PostConstruct is annotated in a superclass and adopts the behaviour for the subclasses.

public abstract class MusicianInstrumentCache {

    protected static final Map<String, String> cache =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public MusicianInstrumentCache() {
        // Remove importMapping() method call here

    @PostConstruct // Add annotation
    public abstract void updateCache();

    public String getInstrumentFor(String name) {
        return cache.get(name);

When the application is started, the constructor MusicianInstrumentCache is still called when the class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache is initialized, but the method updateCache() is no longer called in the constructor; instead, the constructor of FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache is completed first. Only after FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache has been completely constructed does Spring call the updateCache() method annotated with @PostConstruct. This results in the following output:


The procedure with @PostConstruct makes it possible to link the use of overridable methods to the creation of the object without the problems that may result when calling from the constructor. However, this requires the use of a dependency injection framework that supports the annotation @PostConstruct.

The previous two sections described two small tweaks to satisfy the linter. In the next section we will look at another way of dealing with the warning.

Revise the class design

Sometimes the this-escape warning can also serve as a suggestion to re-evaluate the class design. Depending on the result of the evaluation, the necessary changes may have a greater impact on the structure of the code than was the case with the other two methods. We once again take up the example from the previous section to show what an adaptation of the class design could look like.

In the last section, the two classes MusicianInstrumentCache and FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache were created, with the latter extending the former. Due to inheritance, the method updateCache() had to be public and overridable, which ultimately led to the this-escape warning. In the following, the class design should use composition instead of inheritance.

The functionality of the class MusicianInstrumentCache is split for this purpose. The management of the cache will remain the task of the class MusicianInstrumentCache. The import of an external resource is outsourced to the class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter. The class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter also receives a reference to an instance of the class MusicianInstrumentCache. Below, the old, inheritance-based class design is compared to the new class design in a UML class diagram.

Inheritance                           Composition
=========                             ===========
┌────────────────────────────────┐   ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
│           <abstract>           │   │                                        │
│    MusicianInstrumentCache     │   │        MusicianInstrumentCache         │
├────────────────────────────────┤   ├────────────────────────────────────────┤
│#cache:Map<String,String>       │   │-cache:Map<String,String>               │
├────────────────────────────────┤   ├────────────────────────────────────────┤
│+importMapping():void <abstract>│   │~put(name:String,instrument:String):void│
│+getInstrumentFor(String):String│   │+getInstrumentFor(String):String        │
└────────────────────────────────┘   └────────────────────────────────────────┘
                 ▲                                       ^
                 │                                       │
                 │                                       │ -cache
                 │                                       │
┌────────────────┴───────────────┐   ┌───────────────────┴────────────────────┐
│FileBasedMusicianInstrumentCache│   │  FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter   │
├────────────────────────────────┤   ├────────────────────────────────────────┤
│-resourceLoader:ResourceLoader  │   │-resourceLoader:ResourceLoader          │
├────────────────────────────────┤   ├────────────────────────────────────────┤
│+importMapping():void           │   │+importMapping():void                   │
└────────────────────────────────┘   └────────────────────────────────────────┘

The following listing shows the code of the new class MusicianInstrumentCache. The class has two methods, one for reading and one for writing the cache. MusicianInstrumentCache was annotated with @Component, as it is managed by the Dependency Injection Framework, and is to be injected into FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter.

public class MusicianInstrumentCache {

    private final Map<String, String> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    void put(String name, String instrument) {
        cache.put(name, instrument);

    public String getInstrumentFor(String name) {
        return cache.get(name);

The code of the class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter is shown in the following listing. The annotation @PostConstruct is no longer required as it is now sufficient to declare the class as final.

public final class FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter {

    private final MusicianInstrumentCache cache;
    private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
    private String mappingResource = "classpath:mapping.csv";

    public FileBasedMusicianInstrumentImporter(MusicianInstrumentCache cache,
                                               ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
        this.cache = cache;
        this.resourceLoader = resourceLoader;

    public void importMapping() {
        // Logic for importing mapping and adding it to the cache. Briefly,
        // represented by the following lines without exception handling:
        Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource(mappingResource);
        String content = resource.getContentAsString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                .map(line -> line.split(","))
                .forEach(mapping -> cache.put(mapping[0], mapping[1]));

    // getter and setter

The example is intended to provide an impression of what a revision of the class design could look like. However, this does not always have to involve a switch from inheritance to composition. It could also involve extracting/moving methods, or using a creational pattern to resolve the call of an overridable method from the constructor.

At this point, we have looked at all the approaches that were used to upgrade our project. The next section summarizes the main points of this article.


In this post, we described the motivation behind the Java linter’s this-escape warning and showed three ways to prevent said warnings. The possibilities are listed below:

  1. Use of the keywords final, private, or static;
  2. Use of the annotation @PostConstruct;
  3. Revision of the class design

It is not always the case that all three approaches are applicable. Sometimes a combination of multiple approaches is necessary to resolve the warning. The best way to deal with the warning must be decided on a case-by-case basis. In most cases the first or second approach should be sufficient; however, the use of the second approach requires that the affected class is managed by a dependency injection framework such as Spring or Quarkus. Reworking the class design should always lead to success, but is also the most time-consuming.
