The first step to success

While many young people of Kuba’s age are contemplating their future (or planning for the next weekend), he is already on a chosen path, actively seeking opportunities to develop his skills. As a 17-year-old and a third-year student specializing in programming at the Electrical Technical School in Białystok, Kuba didn’t wait for an opportunity – he created one for himself. Independently, he found cronn and inquired about the possibility of doing his school internship there. This alone showed us that we were dealing with an extraordinary young individual. When our team of developers examined Kuba’s repository, we noticed not only his technical skills but also his creativity and passion for coding. This was enough to invite him for an interview, where his enthusiasm and knowledge only confirmed that we were dealing with an exceptional talent.

More than just an internship

Welcoming Kuba as an intern was a natural step for us, and naturally, he wasn’t given any special treatment! We provided him with challenges that might have been too difficult for many 17-year-olds, but for him, they were another opportunity to learn. Working with our top backend and frontend specialists, Kuba not only met expectations but exceeded them. He not only smoothly completed the internship but also contributed code that made it to production alongside that created by experienced programmers.

Unexpected achievements

The results of Kuba’s work and the experience he gained at cronn quickly became apparent. Participation in the Białystok IT Test, where he took third place in the student category, is just one example. As a reward, he received admission to the Faculty of Computer Science at the Białystok University of Technology. With still two years until graduation, he doesn’t have to worry about university admissions because a spot is already waiting for him.

Kuba Kosinski among BTI winners.
Foto: Dariusz Piekut, Politechnika Białostocka

Visible results also came from working in international teams, where we communicated in English – Kuba took first place in the „IT in English – Information Technology in English” competition. The contest supports talented students who combine learning the English language with IT technology knowledge. We also can’t forget that Kuba (along with a colleague) reached the finals of the regional competition „NAUKOLATEK – Teenage Scientist”, organized by the Bialystok University of Technology. Kuba prepared a project – „Evaluating the efficiency of various photogrammetry methods for the achieving of buildings and cultural objects”.

Polishing diamonds at cronn

Kuba’s story is not only a testament to his talent and determination but also evidence of how cronn, as a company, fosters the development of young talents. We create an environment where capable individuals can grow, gain experience, and achieve success. For Kuba, the internship at cronn is just the beginning. We are confident that a bright future awaits him in the IT industry, and our professional paths will intersect many more times. Our intern’s story shows us that our approach to training and developing young talents is the right path to identifying future technology leaders.